“Blackness”[:] a symbolic program of philosophical “disobedience” (a systematic skepticism and refusal) that would make the former available to anyone, or more pointedly, any posture, that was willing to take on the formidable task of thinking as a willful act of imagination and invention”.
Hortense J. Spillers, “Peter’s Pans: Eating in the Diaspora".
In an on line article called black (beyond negation) Keguro Machariamay addresses the practice and thought of care.
"Terms and concepts I find useful: lying (Zora Neale Hurston); invention (Frantz Fanon); afro-fabulation (Tavia Nyong’o); wake (Christina Sharpe); rumor (Grace Musila); speculation (David Kazanjian); wandering (Sarah Jane Cervenak). I am interested in how we are known to ourselves and to each other, the ways we invent to know ourselves and each other, all while surviving methods and disciplines that absent us".
How is white western therapeutic practice and praxis an absenting of the black/brown/person of colour?
"How do we come to know ourselves, especially when many—if not most—of the methods designed to generate knowledge are indifferent, if not actively inimical, to us?"
"In “Power,” Adrienne Rich asks whether Marie Curie knew the elements she pursued were poisoning her. It is a question I ask about various strands of African studies, Postcolonial studies, and Black studies."
When this idea is considered in relation to the therapeutic curriculum and learning of psychotherapy practices within white institutions - do we consider the reality of the poison, the erasure that occurs in the training institutions that gets reenacted in the consulting room despite who is there?

The Sovereignty of Quiet: Beyond Resistance in Black Culture
By Kevin Quashie
Lama Rod Owens explores the power and uses of anger in his new book "Love & Rage: The Path of Liberation Through Anger".